menolly-hime wrote...
[size=12]i'm one of those people who apologize for things that aren't/wasn't my fault.
not because i feel responsibility, but because i can still sympathize/empathize, and want to express my concern. \o\
[color=#006FFF]It's not so much saying sorry for something when you're being sympathetic to someone about a situation (like saying "I'm sorry" when someone tells you they're sick or something--I can understand that), but when someone says "Sorry" about something they had absolutely no fault in--say, apologizing when a stray ball randomly hits you or something; that person apologizes when it should be the other person to do so. It just irks me a little when I see it happen a lot; it just comes off as a little too passive and it just gets under my skin, despite being pretty passive myself.
Despite the above pet peeve, being ignored pisses me off more than just about anything else.