What, no one's said Gatorade yet? I don't get many hangovers, but any sort of sports drink, which is pretty much just salt-based, will help a little, depending on the severity.
Water and bread only help to *prevent* a hangover before you pass out, not to cure one. You typically have to force yourself to do it, but it doesn't matter, it's worth it. There's a cutoff point when that stops working, but it's easy to prevent a hangover with nothing but bread and water, since it takes care of the primary problem of dehydration.
Gravity cat wrote...
Zaff wrote...
Get in a really bad upsetting argument with one of your friends, that usually seems to sober me up.
I'm usually the first port of call when someone gets upset so my night is the first to be ruined. They lay out all their insignificant problems on me that they think they have, then start crying like a bitch when they get themselves worked up over an equally minor issue, like somebody ignoring them. Then I spend the rest of the night following them around like a lemon, murdering her multiple times in my head while I wait for the night to end.
I wonder what that's like. The only people that come to me when they're drunk are friends that somehow made their way here and literally just come in without me noticing, in which case I let them spend the night and sleep it off. Each member of my family only gets angry when they drink, so I don't know what it's like to have sad people come to you.