Story time guys
There once was a young niglet named Ty. He was young, dark, and strong, but he was sent on a quest. This quest was dangerous and he had to face a hideous creature or this guy
His quest was long, but sir young nigglet finally reached Spain, but he was away from his people, servants, and wench, rapa. Worry not young readers he had a trusty companion named alcohol. However, alcohol was never his companion at first because of the magic 17 of age. But age curse did not stop this young nigglet. He drank and drank to his hearts content or binge drinking the silly future people like to call it. 3 40s were not a problem, 4 pints, were not a problem, 24 pack was not a problem, and other alcohol were not a problem thanks to his handy friend agua. When young nigglet digi pokemon evolved into a negro or 18 years old and his liver was stronger and better and partied some more while enjoy the pussy trees, chicago girls, and the delight of the roommates. At the end of this grown negro he faced a dilemma. His search for weed and [size=10]cocaine[/h] was a disaster. He asked a kind prostitute with nice tits the path to the drug road. She pointed in the direction. However, like any succubus she asked, "you wanna a blow job" in terrible English and "wanna fuck" in Madrid. The negro escaped the grasp of the lustful whore, but was defeated by the hideous ogre freak.
TLDR: went to spain, binge drinking, and met a prostitute in Madrid, which was a good time.
read below of some my drunk adventures
DVSN wrote...
The Drunken Adventures of Ty: The Quest for Alexis Ass
[18:11:35] Say What: When drunk I may fuck anything
[18:12:15] Say What: That means you too
[18:12:29] Say What: If you know what I mean
[18:12:44] Say What: In butr
[18:12:49] Say What: The butt
[18:13:01] Say What: Your brown butt
[18:13:08] Say What: From ohio
[18:13:44] Say What: maybe the mouth since you have dsl
[18:15:59] MISTAH KITTENFUZZLES: I hate my phone for not being able to IQ this...
[18:16:52] Say What: Ooi 7
[18:17:06] Say What: Nope 8
[18:17:14] Say What: Give me a sec
[18:17:24] Papperi: NO SECONDS FOR YOU
[18:17:29] Say What: 9
[18:17:38] Say What: Wait
[18:17:45] MISTAH KITTENFUZZLES: Are you going for a dick swallowing record?
[18:17:51] Say What: 10
[18:17:56] Say What: Sure
[18:18:13] Say What: It can be wharmtever you wabt
[18:18:23] Papperi: I assume you're drinking shots, because no one drinks beer that fast D;
[18:18:24] MISTAH KITTENFUZZLES: You heard it here first, folks.
[18:18:43] Say What: Not teuw
[18:19:30] Say What: I left my group anf drink a beer in 2 sec and returnes to the griul like nothing happened
[18:19:59] Say What: Kids drink beer it's good for you
[18:20:29] Say What: It may make you illiterate but it's worth it
[18:20:52] Papperi: btw, did you have your birthday already? :o
[18:20:54] Say What: Jesus I can't spell
[18:21:18] Say What: 2 days and I expext rapas boobs as a present
[18:21:31] Papperi: hoho
[18:21:32] Papperi: no
[18:21:40] Say What: Hoho yes
[18:22:01] Papperi: I can always show you some random boob pic and say they are my boobs
[18:22:17] Say What: We are debating on drinm all of thr be er or saving somr for guest
[18:22:32] Say What: No I want rapas milk juggs
[18:22:51] Say What: Its like givibg me fake meat
[18:23:01] Say What: I want to taste real meat
[18:26:49] Say What: Lexi don't be jealius cuz tiu can get the d bext after rapa boobs are posrd
[18:27:36] Papperi: its kinda funny to see from your text how you get more and more drunk
[18:27:46] Papperi: the amount of typos just keeps increasing :D
[18:28:08] Say What: inshould sleep
[18:28:24] Say What: Lexi you want the d or not
[18:29:07] Say What: Last chance fycker
[18:29:18] Say What: You the nlak d or not
[18:30:09] Say What: Tryibf to offet the d to a briwm nigga snd this is how thdy acr
[18:30:44] Say What: 1hr before dinnee
[18:31:12] Say What: Nigga yiu want this blaack vitginia d or not
[18:31:46] Say What: 12
[18:32:03] Say What: Agua agua agua
[18:32:14] Say What: Inneed it
[18:32:50] Say What: Welo I friend is down
[18:33:02] Ja'Quan: Tyler, you're still drunk?
[18:33:08] Ja'Quan: what're you slayer nexus?
[18:34:38] Say What: Im not some over emotional canadiab weeb I am blavk and proud and wsnt rapas boobs
[18:34:50] Say What: Im terrible
[18:34:56] Say What: Ar
[18:35:03] Say What: Spelling righr now
The Drunken Adventures of Ty: Search for Niinuska's Boobs
[18:38:53] Say What: Don't know some xouls be men
[18:39:08] Say What: Cuz there are some traps here
[18:39:22] Say What: Yaybwhat sdo I win
[18:39:34] Ja'Quan: His typos are hilarious...what the fuck is 'xouls'?
[18:39:54] Say What: Oops could
[18:39:58] Papperi: :D
[18:40:22] Say What: Sow me your tits tits tits
[18:40:35] Say What: 10 minutes
[18:40:37] Ja'Quan: 'Sowing' tits??
[18:40:50] Say What: Oops show
[18:40:59] Say What: I cna help it
[18:41:14] Say What: I thibk I.have a.problwm guys
[18:41:21] Say What: I drink too much
[18:41:28] Ja'Quan: I should be your TTS for vocaroo
[18:41:28] Say What: I become illiterate
[18:41:39] Say What: I rwllily want rapas boobs
[18:41:39] Ja'Quan: and upload it to fakku
[18:41:55] Say What: I mean reallt want them
[18:41:57] Papperi: I can take them off and mail them to you
[18:42:06] Say What: Likw suxkilk dry
[18:42:15] Say What: Lixk it all.ofd
[18:42:19] Ja'Quan: Not really, Ty. You're drunk and when you are, your libido skyrockets
[18:42:24] Say What: Jesus I live boobs
[18:42:51] Say What: Immean I would pay tons od euros to tit fuxk rapa
[18:42:56] Say What: Or.see thr booba
[18:43:11] Say What: Enou the of her boob a now baxk to me
[18:43:19] Say What: I maynhave a.problems m
[18:43:25] Say What: I drink too much
[18:43:30] Say What: Smoke.toouch
[18:43:37] Say What: Tjink.qnout fick rapa
[18:43:39] Say What: Oops
[18:44:12] Khan Noirit Mustapha: is Tyler still trying to get Niina's boobs?
[18:44:16] Say What: Ys
[18:44:24] Ja'Quan: Actually as shapely as he is, I'm surprised
[18:44:26] Say What: Mmmm bih olg titiea
[18:44:37] Say What: I.mqn
[18:44:37] Khan Noirit Mustapha: smoking hookah?
[18:44:45] Say What: Rhat.too
[18:44:55] Say What: Iean suck those nig tita.
[18:45:08] Say What: Jesus why an I sayk f tjos
The Drunken Adventures of Ty: Tyler loves everyone
[18:45:23] Ja'Quan: Tyler...go to bed
[18:45:25] Say What: I hq beem looking for weed for.some time
[18:45:27] Ja'Quan: you're drunk
[18:45:36] Say What: but canr find any D:
[18:45:41] Papperi: people usually assume that people who smoke weed alot cant do things normally and stuff, but I have no problems even tho I sometimes smoke every day for weeks
[18:46:06] Ja'Quan: But smoking can't be good for your lungs
[18:46:07] Say What: No it like 6:45p and I haven diknner in5
[18:46:17] Say What: Rapa show me the tira
[18:46:56] Ja'Quan: Paprika, how long has he been asking for your jugs?
[18:46:58] Say What: 5 more tk go and more to explore
[18:47:03] Say What: Juhgs
[18:47:05] Say What: Juggs
[18:47:07] Say What: Juggs
[18:47:13] Say What: Spain
[18:47:17] Say What: Art
[18:47:22] Say What: I.lobe tou
[18:47:27] Say What: Cruz I live uou
[18:47:37] Say What: Yosji you
[18:47:50] Say What: Tony I live you
[18:48:00] Say What: Rapas.boobs ams rapa I live you
[18:48:15] Say What: Beer o lk e you
[18:48:15] Say What: Beer o lk e you
[18:48:33] Say What: Jesus I hqve a pekblem
[18:48:46] Say What: Well ficl you liver
[18:48:52] Say What: Time to take a poss
[18:48:55] Say What: Piss
[18:48:59] Say What: Oopa
[18:49:01] Say What: Oops
[18:49:24] Say What: 'Jo else do.I lo
[18:49:36] Say What: Ldxi I love gou and would focu you
[18:49:42] Ja'Quan: I wanna get something to eat, but Tyler is providing great entertainment
[18:49:50] Say What: Ujjh dan I live uou
[18:50:05] Say What: Imu see e I love you younsexy perskn drk.iowa
The Drunken Adventures of Ty: Search for Niinuska's Boobs Part 2
[18:50:22] Say What: you knkw what's grat
[18:50:25] Say What: Rapas bokbs
[18:50:31] Say What: Inmate an
[18:50:36] Say What: Theu musr be huge s
[18:50:46] Ja'Quan: Paprika, what's a bokbs?
[18:50:46] Say What: I just wanr tk them.
[18:50:51] Say What: Suck th em.
[18:51:04] Say What: Fuxk thwm
[18:51:09] Say What: Lixk them
[18:51:51] Say What: Tje dog cam watxh as onsuxk those wknderdul boobs
[18:52:07] Ja'Quan: I find coincidental that Ty's status on Skype is away...well, his mind is
[18:52:10] Say What: Rapa will tou and your boobs marry me.
[18:52:24] Say What: I mean im vlean
[18:52:27] Say What: Hsrd worker
[18:52:47] Say What: And will poumd thsr ass and tits ebery hour any hour
[18:52:48] Ja'Quan: and has a low literacy rate when drunk
[18:53:04] Say What: Hey hey heyim talking
[18:53:14] Ja'Quan: nope, typing :3
[18:53:16] Say What: To.queen kd.the.boons
[18:53:35] Say What: Heynheu hey im tying t ok tje queenof th e boobs
[18:53:36] Ja'Quan: Paprika did you say how big they were?
[18:53:52] Say What: Im.going t sjit romorrow
[18:53:57] Say What: Kennt
[18:53:59] Say What: Kwnnt
[18:54:02] Say What: Bro
[18:54:05] Say What: Whwre you
[18:54:08] Papperi: yup, larger D or DD.
[18:54:09] Say What: Kwnny kenny
[18:54:13] Say What: Oh kenny
[18:54:19] Say What: Dd s
[18:54:22] Say What: Kesus
The Drunken Adventures of Ty: Kenny
[18:54:39] Say What: I so wnt fick you rig by now
[18:54:46] Ja'Quan: Oh, that's why Ty wants to make sweet love to you
[18:54:50] Say What: Jesusnehat rong with me
[18:54:52] Papperi: havent bought new bra in a while so I'm not 100% sure
[18:54:58] Say What: Kenmy
[18:55:56] Say What: Kenmy
[18:55:58] Say What: Oh kenny
[18:56:04] Say What: You sheeo fucker
The Drunken Adventures of Ty: Search for Niinuska's Boobs Part 3
[18:56:14] Ja'Quan: I'd love to stay here and laugh at Ty some more...but I'm starving
[18:56:15] Say What: I woundrr.wja tcruNlooks like
[18:56:19] Say What: K mean I dknt
[18:56:22] Say What: Knkw.
[18:56:31] Say What: Nut I slsk want to see rapa
[18:56:35] Say What: I mean damn I will
[18:56:43] Say What: Pinf.thar hard
[18:56:48] Say What: I mean hard
[18:56:50] Say What: Hsrd
[18:56:56] Say What: Lick tjlse tits
[18:56:58] "Broshii": this is hilarious
[18:56:59] Say What: Milk her
[18:57:03] Say What: Dick hrr
[18:57:12] Say What: Have mymiced littke kids
[18:57:12] Say What: Have mymiced littke kids
[18:57:25] Say What: Lirhwn fixk her ass
[18:57:39] Say What: I live thkse tirs
[18:58:00] Say What: Gave my black seed thr
[18:58:04] Papperi: and fully clothed boobs
[18:58:18] Say What: Moe
[18:58:25] Say What: Yoiu wilm shlw .e tjose juggs
[18:58:28] Say What: Now
[18:58:29] Say What: Ni w
[18:58:30] Say What: Now
[18:58:32] Say What: Nk
[18:58:33] Say What: No
[18:58:34] Say What: N ow
[18:58:36] Say What: Nkw
[18:58:37] Say What: Yes
[18:58:38] Say What: Boobs
[18:58:48] Say What: I wil 'll wlakn ther black
[18:58:51] Say What: Now
[18:58:58] Say What: And duxk you
[18:59:05] Say What: Creampie you.
[18:59:11] Say What: Vrampoe your ass
[18:59:14] Say What: Ou Thu
[18:59:17] Say What: Moi th
[18:59:19] Say What: Nose
[18:59:21] Say What: Ear eye
[18:59:30] Say What: Armpita
[18:59:32] Say What: Feet
[18:59:46] Say What: Elbow
[18:59:50] Say What: Anhtinf
[18:59:54] Say What: Yoo too lex I
[18:59:57] Say What: Or arr
[18:59:59] Say What: Or tony
[19:00:02] Say What: Or.cruz
[19:00:07] Say What: Or.snyone
[19:00:20] Say What: Goign outn by yz
[19:00:24] Say What: Wish me.luck
The Drunken Adventures of Ty: Fuck autism
[23:00:50] Say What: Fuck autism
[23:00:54] MISTAH KITTENFUZZLES: Not allowed
[23:00:58] Say What: All you need ks more been
[23:01:04] Say What: Lexi keel o
[23:01:06] Say What: N
[23:01:23] Say What: I will rape y ou and your brown bootu he
[23:01:27] Say What: Holw
[23:01:27] Say What: Oops
[23:01:33] Say What: In ohio
[23:01:43] Say What: Oiece of shot ola e
[23:01:48] Say What: Bo offence
[23:01:51] Say What: But it is
[23:01:56] Say What: Been th ere fornday s
[23:02:05] Say What: It was shit and I meab ximplete shit.
[23:02:26] Say What: Inwoild rahtwr est shit than live th ere or mixhifab
[23:02:38] Say What: Bit would go fornyou snd tha t boty
[23:03:01] Say What: Daman I haven't masterbardd I a while
[23:03:17] Say What: I ahouls right
[23:03:19] Say What: Niw
[23:03:21] Say What: Mayne
[23:03:25] Say What: But I dobt knwo
[23:03:34] Say What: Infirnt if guys is fau
[23:03:38] Say What: K meab
[23:03:41] Say What: Im not gay
[23:03:46] Say What: But rapa
[23:03:48] Say What: Rapa
[23:03:50] Say What: Irs
[23:03:51] Say What: Tits
[23:03:53] Say What: Tirz
[23:03:56] Say What:
[23:04:00] Hurricane Cruz: .__________________________________________________.
[23:04:03] Say What: More beer
[23:04:08] Hurricane Cruz: nigga, stop
[23:04:12] Say What: Cruz I would ruxk yiu too
[23:04:25] Say What: But noe dnivy
[23:04:25 | Redigerat 23:04:25] Khan Noirit Mustapha: Tyler
[23:04:27] Hurricane Cruz: I don't even know what that means
[23:04:28] Khan Noirit Mustapha: go to bed
[23:04:31] Khan Noirit Mustapha: you're drunk
[23:04:31] Say What: Tjet eeirrd yoj
[23:04:36] Say What: Nope
[23:04:37] Say What: Nope
[23:04:39] Say What: Nope
[23:04:50] Say What: See I can ri the t perfextly
[23:04:52] Say What: Oops
[23:05:03] Say What: Yosjii write.tjis soqn
[23:05:13] Say What: Yoshik
[23:05:14] Say What: Noq
[23:05:23] Say What: Copy pqty nigaaaaaaaa
[23:05:51] Hurricane Cruz: give it a break man.
[23:05:54] "Broshii": write what
[23:05:57] Hurricane Cruz: get some rest
[23:06:15] Say What: I nay have a oproblem
[23:06:20] Say What: Wll fick you liver