CO2 wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
CO2 wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
[color=#993300] You're an idiot...
And you're an unhumorous asshole.
[color=#993300]Look, not that I have it out for you, but there's a certain degree of stupid people can take. And if you haven't noticed yet, it's really hard to tell if something's a joke if it's in text.
"I don't have it out for you, but you're so stupid that I can't take it." Stop been so fucking passive aggressive. I explained to you the other day that I was joking, yet you still seem agitated.
[color=#993300]Oi geez, if I was still agitated, I wouldn't be talking to you in the first place, simply put. Maybe it's culture clashes kicking in, but be wary that it's text, rarely can emotion be implied. That's all I must say, now if you're going to be mad, then I'll take my leave