I have started reading an Interesting Book by imo Veumers recently. "Er ist wieder Da" (He is back)
The main plot revolves about Adolf Hitler waking up in summer 2012 and becoming a TV comedian.
The way he has to find himself with the values of the 1930's and 40's in todays time (especially the chapter where he sits in his hotel room and analyzing todays TV program - superb. I almost laughed my ass off) is nice to read.
well, since its Adolf we're talking about some of his ideologies flow in slightly, but played for laughs as well.
His secretary is pretty awesome too, thinking he is "hard acting"
I doubt it will get an international release so stick to another of my all time favs.
The Gospel according to Jesus best friend Biff
As the title suggests its the "missing" parts of the new testament (Jesus years 12 to 20) as told by his best frend Biff. kind of a lust driven asshole.
however since Biff is the one doing the talking its a bit more... unbound then the real thing. Its a wonderful book to read, although a good bit blasphemic. but after all, it is meant as comedic satire. so give it a whirl
I've been reading a couple science fiction books this past week or two. One is 2061: Odyssey Three by Arthur C. Clark, and the other is Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov.
I've read the past two Odyssey books, 2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: Odyssey Two and love the series. I only need to read 3001: The Final Odyssey.
As for Prelude to Foundation, I'm currently reading it and fascinated by the idea of Earth being long forgotten over millennia after millennia.