Kirsikka wrote...
TheBookie wrote...
I know...I will beat my bum!
and I will~ I am trying hard to get the best marks I can
and dat avi..........hnngggggggg
but yes 10 more minutes, then away I go for the day ::makes a whoosh sound::
Yes :C and I will write the PM now.
So you have class in less than 10 minutes? okie~ Have fun there~
nyuuu I don't have class tille 1pm....soo in less than 2 hours~
but I will be heading offline to do a little studying.....since if I stay longer I will just end up chatting away lol
::picks up berrih:: You shall study with me..muwhahaha....::puts you back down:: no no no....I would be too distracted......
anyway, ::hugs:: just a few more minutes~ enjoy your day though