Dr Shaneman wrote...
Melfice_1 wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Melfice_1 wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Melfice_1 wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Melfice_1 wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Melfice_1 wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Melfice_1 wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Melfice_1 wrote...
the only thing better then a TARDIS is a talking TARDIS
seriously, that shis scary.
Where are you now then?
the one with The House, Auntie and Uncle.
where he builds the new tardis
Nothing in the world takes as much beatings.
well, its built sturdy.
lol, it'd need to be.
well, she brings him wherever he needs to be.
in a way he is a mage
My dad did hate that episode. Saying it was just too easy the way he made that TARDIS. I kind of agree, but I know it'll never be done again so...
it was makeshift only to catch up with the real one
Well, all TARDIS are alive. So it does question how one built from scraps would fly.
the scrap (other TARDISes) is the Hardware, the Woman (the TARDIS Matrix) is the software.
Both Together: A working TARDIS Core.
I forget how that episode ends actually.
they manage to get the TARDIS Matrix back in the main control room, it inhabitates the TARDIS again and destroys the House from the Inside due to Size incompabilities
I meant in full detail. Obviously happy ending lol
They both manage to get a Makeshift TARDIS core running. they chased the original TARDIS and gave the Password to a sub-control room to Rory and Amy.
They lowered the Shield, so that TARDIS Matrix and the Doctor were able to Enter.
The Doctor made a Deal with The House, that it keeps them alive in exchange for their lives. The way to leave is deleting rooms to gain energy
The House tries to get rid of them by deleting the room the Doctor and the Crew are in, but a Safety mechanism saved them and Ported them back into the Main Control Room.
The Tardis Matrixs Host dies and the matrix inhabitates the TARDIS again.
A TARDIS is bigger on the inside, while the House was way smaller on the Inside, so in the end the TARDIS burst out of the Room and all was good.