Koko7 wrote...
Great so what are you studying?
/jelly I cant go back to school till january..Seriously fuck this place. Once I get a job and enough cash Im so moving into a cc dorm they have here so I get past my prerequisites quicker and just be fuckin happier. -_- I hate being here for my college years...-sigh. College years which is basically your own life that I want~! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
People talk about "convenience" about going to college and still living at home but thats only if you WANT to actually be at home. I DO NOT~! -flails- ヽ(#`Д´)ノ
Gomenasai Im venting...I guess...(-,-) Got 3 months of time I do not want wasted and if it ends up that way me 3 months later still looking for a job I'll just be seriously pissed beyond belief. I'll have to work hard to lookin and stuff the coming weeks..Gonna apply myself~! Like before~! n(_ _)n
Hotel Restaurant Institutional Management with a minor in a language - idk what yet.
but doo eeettt get le job, get the money, get.....the bacon...idk...lol At home just saves money.
anyway lets not worry about that..since I am in debt now lol