Something new eh. How about they detected two Higgs peak closely together that seem not to be statistical fluke?
It means that we actually have 2 Higgs with different but close masses. That's weird because even though we have theories predicting multiple Higgs, none of them predicting them to be so close together.
A sure implication right now is that physics is in a mess. We have our theories, and the experimental results keep trolling the theories and give results that is just queer enough to make us certain that we're wrong but not queer enough to exactly tell what is it that we have wrong.
That makes nowadays a very exciting time to do physics. It is when things get stuck like this that big breakthroughs are needed. Science always improves in leaps.
...... Yes, today's breakthroughs are way better than in the past: be it in speed, application, and else. *remembering the days when scientists got burned alive when finding something*