If I get started, I'll begin to rant. You know me.. so perhaps I'll keep my reasons for each one short.
It speaks of support in unity, a triumph born of the journey, because of hope we can sing. I like how it speaks of heartfelt hope, cascading as if emotions are rising and falling.
This one sings of potential. A willingness to serve the greater cause. It speaks of toil, and the musical tone is discordant as if one is struggling along, trying to find their voice. But in the moments when the vocality comes together, it's a declaration of love.
It speaks with power and confidence like you said, and is a song of celebration. The memory of the cause runs deep, and in this song there is a sense of desire realized, like a dream no longer forgotten.
Damn it Maho. You don't even play the games and you nailed the songs so accurately. <3
Ar tonelico is all about humanity's attempts to revive a dead planet. Destroyed by their own foolishness. They need the planet to live after all. The songs are posted chronologically, each describing a part of humanity as they strive with whatever means possible to once again establish the good relationship with the planet they had before.
At the very end; this is how the planet answers their prayers.
You'll notice how all three Harmonics songs are included in this.
And you know, maybe that's why these songs speak to me so well. I find they've often expressed exactly how I feel about the world, and I do worry about it. I believe people are more connected than most of us realize, and that earth is a living essence who's desire is to guide us; to live in harmony with it's inhabitants.
So often we act without thinking about that connectivity, and it causes pain and discord that the earth does it's best to absorb. Such is it's love for us, for the plants, and all else it's a part of. Those who see this purpose will find the most happiness, but with so many sowing hate the purpose is often misunderstood and our earth suffers.
Not just the planet itself, but we as a people as well. The earth has so much wonder and potential. One day, if I am lucky, maybe I can be a part of that, see it in it's entirety.
Wha... you really are awesome. *_* You understand the songs so deeply. The lyrics, the meanings, the significance, what they're trying to tell us and why they sound the way they do...
Yes, I agree with you wholly. Many people don't realize that we humans are more connected than we think we are.
lol, I dunno if I am that awesome. I guess I just have a different understanding than most. I make it a point to bond with nature, and I truly hope for people's happiness. Seems like lots of folks wish for each other's happiness conditionally. That doesn't sit well with me.
Everyone has hopes and dreams. Some may want to hide them, some may have given up on them, but everyone has a heart. We were designed to seek partnership. No one truly enjoys being alone. Once you realize that, it just falls into place.
We share this world, and are all part of one another. Even if we don't always agree, you don't have to like someone to afford them respect, or hope for their happiness. In the end, if they are happy, they are closer to their center, and that helps us all. People aren't evil, actions are.
Deep down we all want peace, because we all want happiness in some form or another. It's part of being human.
Everyone has hopes and dreams. Some may want to hide them, some may have given up on them, but everyone has a heart. We were designed to seek partnership. No one truly enjoys being alone. Once you realize that, it just falls into place.
Can't say it any better than this. Really. >:
Time for a song! ^^
[size=3]Whoever that thinks this song is dedicated for you, yup yup your confidence is justified. ;P[/h]
Welp, now that I'm home, it's a close tie between Tilia and Frelia's version, I give in to Frelia. I liked Tilia for the same reason as you but how Frelia sang how the world needs to act together in order to live peacefully and in harmony in a beautiful world gets to me.