mibuchiha wrote...
So another random thing I thought up while I was randomly working around town. The trigger was a group of girls taking near me. One of them asked, "Damn it, I got a weird prob during the interview earlier. He asked, "Suppose I give you an amount of money, say $100, and ask you to buy object A (in her example it was potato) and thing B (lobster) but didn't specify the amount you need to buy. You're simply required to use as much money as possible from what is given and you must only spend it on those things. How much of each would you buy and why?"
That got me thinking. First of all, what an interesting thing to ask in a job interview. So, to those who wanna answer, if you're put in that situation, how would you answer it?
And to those wondering, yeah, I was eavesdropping. I couldn't choose to turn my ears off and they were talking too loudly for me to not hear them.
@nanapyon: lol hopeless.