Onime-no-Enishi wrote...
Rin_Penelope wrote...
Onime-no-Enishi wrote...
Rin_Penelope wrote...
Seishiro Haga wrote...
Onime-no-Enishi wrote...
Seishiro Haga wrote...
What about 253 pages?
we have increased this thread's page count by 30 pages from 1 visit from the beautiful and lovely reinna
30? damn, that's many.
it's filled with proposal for ma daughter and me bitching about that
and your acceptance of me wedding your daughter ^_^ my dear father-in-law
Over my dead body boy
now now, dear father-in-law, we did agree that you will allow me to marry your daughter while you live.... right...?

This reminds me of Clannad.
"I'll be calling you otoosan from now on."