Matsurotachi Kage wrote...
hermitVI wrote...
Matsurotachi Kage wrote...
spalose wrote...
hermitVI wrote...
spalose wrote...
Matsurotachi Kage wrote...
Fucking booooored!! D<
me too but ur ava made me smile, she so cute ^_^
Chii is eternally Cute! :D
yes she is nano desu!
Hahah thank you, but it's not Chii, It's Freya. ^^
:shock: I didn't recognize!
Yeah, Freya is basically the darker version of Chii, the more, non-innocent..? ^^; That and she is more knowlegable and helps Chii through alot, shes basiclly the leader of the two... I think... x_x
I know the difference, I was just messing around. :lol:
(I still like Chii a lot better though)