Blank_Zai wrote...
Hey Yuuki~
I tried playing games but they just made even more pissed.
The main reason I'm depressed is that, I had a few friends over and we were gonna have some fun with Guitar Hero: World Tour for the Wii. (I Have a Wii Shut up)
And I found I lost my adaptor for the Wii. I look everywhere while my friends munch down on dinner we got. And I asked my older brother who has a tendency to hide EVERY FUCKING THING HE GETS HIS HANDS ONE. And he says he doesn't know. So I start Raging, and he goes off to find it, 5 seconds later he yells "I FOUND IT" And he says it was in the Front Drawer. I Rage again and get on with setting up the Wii. But then I find out my Wii is being a bitch and not turning on... It does this sometimes so I wait. Tensions rise it still hasn't turned on even after checking al the wires and power connections. Still nothing I rage again. And now they left... and I'm just here depressed. I'm more pissed off at my brother more than anything else at the moment. Oh and my Mom who keeps nagging at me cause I wasn't prepared for this. I mean I had it all set up two days in advance and it goes missing on that night, and Wii fucks up on same night.
To sum it up for those who can't be bothered reading
Shit night I'm having here.
Hmmm, me too. I have sister like your brother.
She always borrow my computer and my computer damaged until now. :cry:
So, I just can read dojin in my oldest brother's laptop.