Zeriam wrote...
winter55 wrote...
Do you still make sigs? My 2nd sig sucks. OMF only allows 500 x 15 and this isn't even near that dimension. Fucked up place.....
No I gave up sigs talk to Xel Naga he makes them and Ero-sensei also
I know ero makes sigs that's why I asked someone to get it for me while I waas absent cuz I like this sig. lol
Oh well, I'll just stick to my small RO sig. Btw, this is my sig in the other forum, oh another thing, is ero a he or she? Well, I think she but I'm still not sure. Ero told me to ask you about it before I disappeared. Ero said you know ero's gender.
*damn, no pronouns used...@.@