Fakku Animation Project Titles by Yuuki as ordered by Zei-kun[Zeriam]
If you don't like the title pm me your wanted title ^ - ^
Zeriam - Disastrous Hyperion Tornado Blade Onime - Hyper Density Phantom of Hatred Katsu - Dark Sweeper of the Corner Katana Technique Bushido-san - Fatal Mecha Calamity Bamass - Ultimatum Gunfire Oblivion Xel - Malevolent Seraph of Salvation Korou- Dragon Blazed Flame of Hope Yuuki - Humanoid Diverger of Space
Matatabi - Animal World Illuminator Kaimax- Swirling Leaf of the Blue Sky Tsuyo - Unspoken Hallucination of Demise Skyler - Dark Meteor of Armageddon Jonoe - Deadly Azure Seraph