I believe that the world is a battleground. The site of a feminist infiltration. This disparity the number of men to woman is a clear sign of how far they have come. In case this cold war turns hot, they will have superiority in numbers. Just another skirmish in the eternal war against the forces of the feminists... They're everywhere. In Japan, women outnumber men. It may be a 60-40 split, but it's only a matter of time, man...
In America, women are the majority by a hair. They're building up their numbers. In the past, the buildup of a military has always been the clearest sign of imminent war. Japan is just the first step. The economy is badass, and the country itself is small and isolated, yet a huge part of the Pacific in terms of political value. The perfect target. They are so cunning... As expected of women.
That is why you can't trust them. They will string you along, and then kill you, just as they killed me. You will end up just like me. Men have bad enough as it is. Did you know that male porn stars only make about half of what female porn stars make? Feminists... are a dangerous enemy, make no mistake. You take them lightly, and you will wake up in the morning with a knife in your back, bam! Out of nowhere! And that day will come, when the feminists come out of their central top secret worldwide feminist headquarters, and say "It's on now, mother****ers!".
I almost gave up, when I thought this cause was silly... When I grew tired of the bleakness of our fight... When I mistook the time the power went out for a feminist raid and thought the end was near... But then I realized that if I gave up, it would all be over, and I was like, "whoa" and knew I had to get serious. Because I am the last sane man in an insane world. It's about duty.
I have my curtains closed at all times to thwart the snipers. They will eat me alive out there, I know it. We must find somewhere to hide in.
Okay, so check this out: I was in town today, buying milk. They had a new clerk, some hipster girl with a baseball cap with two hockey sticks on it. I'll call her hipster hockey baseball hat girl. I noticed the milk didn't have a price tag, so I told her to get over there and label that milk, for future generations. She told me not to bother her, because she was sick. Sick? Sick!? We live in a society, here. You can't just opt out human interaction because you're sick. Do you know how much effort it takes me to even get up in the morning? I still do, though, and I got up that morning to go down there and buy milk, not to have my vital questions just brushed aside by some hipster doofus college girl who wears a hockey baseball cap to work. Indoors.
I get diarrhea a lot, but you don't see me complaining about it. I soldier on and do what I have to do anyway, because that's what being a man is all about. Even if you have diarrhea, you keep going, for the dream of a better tomorrow.
Think about it. When did housing and land start becoming more and more expensive? When women began entering the work force, because it created two-income nuclear families. You'll just have to take my word for it, women are connected to the decay of all society. People could afford to start saying "Oh well, since two members of the family are now earning money as opposed to one, they can surely afford something like rising costs of ownership.
...And the price of land generally goes up when a country starts undergoing industrialization. ...But no! It's because of women! Correlation equals causation, you know. I bet women created industrialization, too, to cover their tracks. How diabolical. So, yeah, everyone can go **** themselves!
Yeah, you know what was the most shocking event of my life? You wouldn't think it, but I had a girlfriend once, I think it was last year.
I was more innocent back then, and I thought she was sane, unlike most women. But one day, we engaged in... sexual intercourse. It was pretty okay, but then immediately following the event that is the point of all such things, something strange and scary happened. I started feeling incredibly tired and sleepy! That isn't normal, man!
Something sinister was in the works, I could feel it. That is when I knew... that women are dangerous, sapping the life force of all men through the one commodity that is almost solely theirs to control! Sickening. Now I am the last sane man in an insane world... when other people realize it, there will be a war, a great war between men and the forces of feminism. But the problem is that not all men would fight on my side... **** sucks. I could set the bar kinda low, any men are fine. But not the dudes raised by their mom or their sister, that's for sure.
I am going to remodel my room today into a war room. As the days go by, I realize more and more how dangerous feminism is. It really is everywhere, even in places like Iran. You can't tell how far up it goes. When the war begins, if we haven't transcended the concept of nations to fight for our genders, it will be chaos.
No one will know who will take what side, and a war against feminism wouldn't just mean World War III, but the end of all life on Earth as we know it. If we lose, the handful of men that didn't die in the war will be castrated and forced to repair toilets and build massive monuments commemorating the feminist victory.
Something on your mind, dudes?