1: Would you drink an animal's fresh blod if it was perfectly safe and someone thrustworthy told you it's really tasty ? (my answer: been there, done that, good stuff)
2: You've been dating with this really cute girl/handsom boy for quite a while now and you both decided it's time to have sex. she/he undresses than BAM. she's/he's the same gender as you. Would you proceed ? (my answer: why not ? I'm bi anyways)
1: Would you drink an animal's fresh blood if it was perfectly safe and someone trustworthy told you it's really tasty ? (my answer: been there, done that, good stuff)
2: You've been dating with this really cute girl/handsome boy for quite a while now and you both decided it's time to have sex. she/he undresses than BAM. she's/he's the same gender as you. Would you proceed ? (my answer: why not ? I'm bi anyways)
[font=comic sans ms]if i was that thirsty i probably would,but to be honest i can't imagine blood to taste any good
i would be upset that they didn't tell me sooner,already lost some trust in one another by then. But i think by then i wouldnt mind and just go at it
Q1: whats the last book you read (ones without lots of picture a legitimate novel)