>elfen lied - creator and leader of your souls >animeholic - my right hand man >pasithea - first lady perv of the squad >IsTehErreip - mega perv and dinosaur of the squad >firey_penguin_of_doom - penguin of the squad >Eranikum (Official german member) >moses - second in command and also a girl >beccabecca - 2nd girl of the squad >nate river - most summin guy here >nacho - an austrian >persondude - hes a person and a dude ... wow >subaru - haruhism incarnate >LunaManiax - official lesbian of the squad >mokiechan - Havoc wreaker >zak - official awsome gif maker >flameofheaven - official filipino of the squad >nightclock - >Captain Falcon - the official random squad uploader >random black ops - classified