Outdoor hobbies: Anything on the lake, boating, tubing, wake-boarding, water-skiing, swimming, not on the lake is quadding, dirtbiking, camping if I get to stay in an RV. xD I wouldn't mind hiking or walking if it was cooler outside too.
Indoor hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading, singing to myself in the shower/car/when no one is around. lol Love video games, I have a Wii, a PS2 and a gameboy I play plus my one computer game, EQ2. Internet debating would be a big one too. Can't resist a good debate even though I tend to be wrong and punch myself for it all the time. xD Spending time with my family and friends. :3
That's it I think. I'd probably enjoy sex as an indoor activity too if only I had a guy to do it with. lol
elfen lied wrote...
damn i go away for 20 mins and this thread tuns from random to pretty damn topical disscusion .... well done
Well it's like a chat thread anyways, right? xD To keep from going off topic in other threads?
Heh... I sure am missing my girlfriend I had to part with aswell :( Oh well, New Zealand - Germany distance is a bit too far for a relationship :(. *sob*
Regarding the debates... I like debating. Politics, history, everything. Though mostly I tend to use too long sentences due to the German language using very long chain sentences.
Heh... I sure am missing my girlfriend I had to part with aswell :( Oh well, New Zealand - Germany distance is a bit too far for a relationship :(. *sob*
Regarding the debates... I like debating. Politics, history, everything. Though mostly I tend to use too long sentences due to the German language using very long chain sentences.
Wait, you're German? I must have missed that way back in the thread somewhere. xD
Well I have to say you 'type' pretty good English.
We call those run-on sentences here.
New Zealand to Germany? Yeah, that is a little far. Heh. I had a boyfriend here. We went to the same high school and met in an anime club. lol
Dated for about 2 years I guess then I found out he had a crush on my best friend, I kicked him in the balls and left. :3
Heh... I sure am missing my girlfriend I had to part with aswell :( Oh well, New Zealand - Germany distance is a bit too far for a relationship :(. *sob*
Regarding the debates... I like debating. Politics, history, everything. Though mostly I tend to use too long sentences due to the German language using very long chain sentences.
Wait, you're German? I must have missed that way back in the thread somewhere. xD
Well I have to say you 'type' pretty good English.
We call those run-on sentences here.
New Zealand to Germany? Yeah, that is a little far. Heh. I had a boyfriend here. We went to the same high school and met in an anime club. lol
Dated for about 2 years I guess then I found out he had a crush on my best friend, I kicked him in the balls and left. :3
Actually I consider myself Half danish, half German, sure I am born in Germany and lived quite some time here, but I love the danish mentality. It is just... the Danes are relaxed and live into the day. Everyone calls each other with the front name (except the queen) and if you get a letter from the authorities it is almost "cute". As in it begins with something like:
Dear Eranikum (as if I'd tell you my real name hah! :P),
I would like to remind you off that we are still in need of your data from the last Music festival for the final budget.
Yours Karin
That is way better than the German version which goes
Mister Eranikum,
It came to our attention that you didn't send in the data of the Youth Music festival on time, should you not send in the data until the 03.08.2008, we keep ourselves the rights to consider to take steps involving the law.
The community of XYZ
EDIT: Good advise to everyone out there. NEVER TRY TO LEARN DANISH. Seriously it is a horrible language. To summon it up the easiest way "Drink 3 wodka, a martini and 2 whiskey and you know danish". You understand shit all. And if you know German, English, Danish and a bit of Latin and French, your mind get's easily confused :D
To give a horrible example of the danish language:
Front name? First name? I will never understand foreign countries and their ideas of how names work. In America you get a first name, sometimes a middle name (or more than one middle name), and a last name. You get called by your first name if you are younger and you call people like teachers or other professionals or acquaintances by their last names with a title such as Mr. Ms. or Mrs.
Other than that it's pretty simple. xD I don't think it would be very weird for a letter to refer to me by my first name at all.
Meh, my name is Jessica. I don't mind sharing my first name with people on the net. What are they going to do? Steal my identity with my first name? A name that probably a lot of girls already share as well? (My name was the most popular girls name for the year I was born as well. xD Hehe)
I have a lot of Polish ancestry. Our last name was like Gut or something before my grandpa changed it.
Yep I meant first name :) Sorry about that, it is one of those language mix ups that come up with time. In German you say "Vorname" which basicly translates directly into front name instead of first name.
*blushes* as for my name, your most likely gonna get a good chuckle incase you'd know the entire name, but for the first name, it is Ove. Initials are OOO and I had one O more in Denmark due to the street I lived in. People thought I was kidding them when I gave them my name and address.
Yep I meant first name :) Sorry about that, it is one of those language mix ups that come up with time. In German you say "Vorname" which basicly translates directly into front name instead of first name.
*blushes* as for my name, your most likely gonna get a good chuckle incase you'd know the entire name, but for the first name, it is Ove. Initials are OOO and I had one O more in Denmark due to the street I lived in. People thought I was kidding them when I gave them my name and address.
I'm not sure how to pronounce that at all. ^^;
I'm not good with foreign languages. I tried taking Japanese once and failed miserably. lol
You use street names as part of your initials? Never heard of that before. o:
Well no, but it came of funnily incase I spun off my name and address very fast.
Anyways a question (you don't have to answer. I know I hate that sentence, but can't put it better), which interrests me. Being somehow used to a dual national system, I got to see the differences it can have so here goes: How is the topic of "sex" in general handled in your country. I know that often in Germany it is either used only in "hiding" so to speak. Most of the time people try to "redecorate" it into metaphors and feel incredibly embarrassed here when speaking about it, while in Denmark it was a pretty open topic without any chuckling, which was taken playful, yet also serious. I made the general experience that the Skandinavian countries are very open minded when it comes to topics that are normally frowned upon in Germany.
oh sorry didn't know but it is quite an impressive haul its like an 2ftx2ft box filled with various cheeses.... im gonna have a cheese and wine party wanna come?
oh sorry didn't know but it is quite an impressive haul its like an 2ftx2ft box filled with various cheeses.... im gonna have a cheese and wine party wanna come?
I like cheese. I really do. As long as it doesn't smell all too bad. A good cheese, a piece of rustically bread with hungarian salami and a glass of heavy whine can be very delicate as evenings meal :)
Well no, but it came of funnily incase I spun off my name and address very fast.
Anyways a question (you don't have to answer. I know I hate that sentence, but can't put it better), which interrests me. Being somehow used to a dual national system, I got to see the differences it can have so here goes: How is the topic of "sex" in general handled in your country. I know that often in Germany it is either used only in "hiding" so to speak. Most of the time people try to "redecorate" it into metaphors and feel incredibly embarrassed here when speaking about it, while in Denmark it was a pretty open topic without any chuckling, which was taken playful, yet also serious. I made the general experience that the Skandinavian countries are very open minded when it comes to topics that are normally frowned upon in Germany.
How should I put this? xD
Well it really depends on the people. A lot of people can be very prude while other can be extremely vulgar. Prude people normally don't talk about that sort of thing at all and if it comes up they are shy about it or they get angry and tell you not to talk about it.
Whereas you get some vulgar people like myself together and we can't stop talking about sex and how we like, what we did with our boyfriends/girlfriends. We make sexual jokes with each other, etc.
It all really depends on the people you talk to and America is a pretty big place with a lot of diverse people.
Some people might be in the middle ground of that too. Especially if they have kids or something. When they are around their kids they'll keep it to themselves but when they're out with their friends they open up more about it.
A lot of the media seems pretty sexual too, but that really depends on what you are watching. If you flip on MTV you'll see a bunch of men and women flaunting themselves sexually in music videos, but if you flip on the Discovery channel, chances are you're going to be watching a boring nature program or something. (Although they have Shark week on which I have been watching. I love sharks because they freak me out! lol )
So, like I said before, it just depends on who you're talking to really and the situation you are in.