Sephorai wrote...
Ok I think this is getting a little out of hand everyone please calm down we're all friends here. Please I don't want this to turn into a flame thread ok :)
its a fanboy thread therefore this is not possible, flame away i say makes things more fun!
Afroman wrote...
no, NO FPS are suppose to be for a PC.
Its just not the same on a console playing a FPS.
Sorry but MMORPG is taking over on PC. Look at all the fuckin MMORPGs there are currently! SERIOUSLY WTF?! STOP... MAKING... MMORPGS!!!
Yes this is a the sad truth, alot of devs have forgotten the hardcore PC player and have gone to the console instead. I guess its our own fault due to piracy, BUT Operation Flashpoint 2 will be the sex on PC.