mibuchiha wrote...
-Claims are to be made by stating the full name of the character, true/alternate identity if they have one*, and the full name of the series from whence they came.
Question regarding my claim. First, some background info.
Luca[1] Trulywaath[2], real name Cloche Leythal Pastalia, hymn code FRELIA_ANSUL_SOL=MARTA.
The first name is how she is known throughout the series. Only her has that name in the entire series, and it is with this name also that she is 'officially' recognized.
The second, her real name, is used by another main character in the game. And she is called by that name pretty much all the time. She is never called by her real name.
The third one is how she is identified by the Sol Marta server, which does not know her as anything else. But this hymn code is also shared by another character.
Depending on how you look at it, all three counts as her real name. Do I need to post this particular information in my claim post or will it count just as it is?
[1] Written in kanji, so it is technically Ruka. Rendered as Luca in the localization and fans deem it an acceptable change to her name.
[2] In the Japanese version of the game, it is Truelywaath. Note the extra e. By whatever faggotry that is NISA, it is changed to Trulyworth in the localization. Which we fans found to be unacceptable, for 'waath' is a hymmnos word (which carries some significance to the plot). Not to mention the bad puns (Trulyworthit Soup what the fuck (I'll be totally ok with Truelywaathit Soup btw, even if it is an equally shitty pun)). Trulywaath is the compromise decided by the fans working on the retranslation project after a lot of discussions, as we agreed that the authors probably intended it as 'truly', as with many other Engrish mistakes in the series, and also because it does not destroy the intended meaning of the name. While the retranslation series isn't out yet, and even if it does the path will be free, this version will be the definitive version in the English-speaking world and thus, I believe it should take priority over the shit that NISA dished out. More info here: http://www.at2.metalbat.com/
And, as I must when I talk about these things, FUCK NISA.
When in doubt, post all of it to be safe.
Toxic Influence wrote...
I had no idea this was going on, but somehow she's still available, so I'm marrying with all my heart Oshino Shinobu
a.k.a. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade
...from Bake/Nisemonogatari because she's perfect.
delti9 wrote...
I claim
Ryougi Shiki from the series
Kara no Kyoukai.
TheOverFlow wrote...
Rumia from touhou
_Satsujinki_ wrote...
I, Satsujinki, with my hearth in hand, will claim my beloved and beautiful Alice Margatroid from Touhou as mai waifu.
Gahald_Mills wrote...
Claiming Excellen Browning from Super Robot Wars Original Generations
liger0 wrote...
I claim Rangiku Matsumoto from Bleach.
Read the rules and try again.