waynoinsano wrote...
Toxic Influence wrote...
Season 1 of Monogatari (Senjougahara Hitagi to Waar,
Sengoku Nadeko,
Hanekawa, and
Therefore I'm claiming my bonus: Gaen Izuko, also from the Monogatari series.
I put a new place at the bottom of the list for bonus claims pending pumpkins approval. If I remember correctly the fire sisters were also introduced in the first season even if the were too involved with the plot of that season.
I think this would be best for bonus claims that aren't obvious sisters, full female casts, etc.
That depends on how you define "first season".
Bakemonogatari = 2 light novel volumes that span the first stories relating to Hitagi, Hanekawa, Nadeko, Hachikuji, and Kanbaru.
Bakemonogatari (anime. first anime "season" of the monogatari franchise) = anime adaptation of of bakemonogatari light novels
Nisemonogatari = 2 light novel volumes that span the stories relating to the Fire Sisters, Karen and Tsukihi.
Nisemonogatari (anime. second anime "season" of the monogatari franchise) = anime adaptation of the nisemonogatari light novels
The light novels are also split into "seasons" (to further enhance confusion). The first "season" light novels comprise the 2 volumes of Bakemonogatari, 2 volumes of Nisemongatari, Kizumonogatari and Nekomonogatari (Black).
The light novels also have a second "season." It consists of Nekomongatari (white), Kabukimonogatari, Onimonogatari, Hanamonogatari, Otorimonogatari, and Koimonogatari.
Finally the light novels have a third "season" which are the light novels to date. Tsukimonogatari, Koyomimonogatari, Owarimonogatari, Owarimonogatari and, Zokuowarimonogatari.
The currently airing anime titled
Monogatari Series Second Season is the adaptation of the second "season" of the light novels. Specifically Nekomongatari (white), Kabukimonogatari, Onimonogatari, Hanamonogatari, Otorimonogatari, and Koimonogatari. It is however the third anime "season" of the monogatari franchise.
Lastly its important to note that Kizumonogatari is
eventually going to be adapted into a movie, and Nekomonogatari (black) was adapted into a 2 hour OVA earlier this year.
So when someone makes a claim on a set from the monogatari franchise, be careful with how the person defines "season".