I've been browsing the site for, like, 3 hours with my girlfriend (you know you're jealous) and a lot of our favorite manga/anime's have little or no doujins for them. Some of them are ones that should be the most common. Anyone else think these need more doujins (in no particular order)?
1: Yuyushiki
2: Girls Bravo
3: Love Lab
I'd think of more but I'm playing games so I'm very distracted. Comment on if you agree, if there are series's you wanna see, just... comment. -.- Don't give me that look!
Newer the animu/popularity is a great factor in hentai making.... Watamote is extemely popular and it has less then 5 doujins. But.
2. tag/parody:girls+bravo
Also wrong section. https://www.fakku.net/forums/manga-doujinshi-and-video-discussion
If you get the panda then alt