Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
TriniDarkSlayer wrote...
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
TriniDarkSlayer wrote...
Whiskers wrote...
yurixhentai wrote...
Whiskers wrote...
Get that whore out of my face

Fight me.
ffffffffffuuuck D:
Looks like shit hit the fan,
Really? Looks more like Level 5-X Factor-Dark Tsundere Kirino pwnage to me.
So she's basically Vergil.
That's only if she needed more of the equivalent of power coming from being yuri-san's waifu.
And I'm referring to Dark Pheonix, dood, still more the most broken character in UMVC3.
I think Vergil is more broken because at least you can Phoenix/Dark Phoenix in one combo so it all takes for her to die is one mistake on the Pheonix's part.
Vergil on the other hand...
It's a pick your poison.
Very true on both points. But to me, its always been more fun seeing Vergil (or Dante sometimes) kill off someone with just one combo in a hands of a good player (I for one love seeing IFC Yipes' Dante/Vergil/Magneto's team in action, they're all fun to watch when he plays them) since at least it looks more awesome than Phoenix/Dark Phoenix's cheap shenanigans. Hence that is why I'll never trade off him being more top tier than Phoenix because of this.