Foamy the Squirrel. Fuck that's nostalgic. Even though the vid's a decade old it still holds true about buying anything in general, not just coffee.
My workplace for a time heavily pushed for more Loyalty signups and transactions where customers actively used a Loyalty card. It got pretty fucking miserable getting taken to the side and receiving informal discussions because we weren't meeting targets sometimes. I was once threatened with a demotion because I wasn't actively trying to sell items from the counter which we were being monitored on, and consistently cropped up around the bottom of the list for making those particular sales which change from week to week. On an average full day you can serve about 200 people, and we were encouraged to fully explain the benefits of a card and word it a certain way so they'd be more inclined to get one, and it wouldn't be unusual for a customer to get the rat's arse with us because they just wanted to go in, pay for their shit, and quickly get out. The pressure to promote it got to the point where people would just scan dummy cards through just so they wouldn't get in trouble for not making signup numbers. This had the knock-on effect of costing the company a fair bit in useless cards, so they let up on it. And thank fuck. We still get asked to ask for a card, but we're no longer required to offer one unless someone shows interest.