Sorry about the wait everyone, been distracted for last few days.
I got 200+ hours played on skyrim although that pales in comparsion to over 1k hours played on civ 5 xD But still, 200+ is pretty damn good for a rpg and I dont even feel like i'm even done at all still got even moar to do.
-What I don't like about archery while killing random stuff as I travel to a town..
Damn Kill cam keeps on showing me shooting fleeing animals in teh anus for killing blow.

This kinda stuff happens when I'm tripping balls.
They no feel the coldz.
While i was trolling around in skyrim and left but quickly noticed how sweet the whole thing looked and took a screenshot. I think its nice.
She's one of my favorite followers. Kirsikka if I remember right cuz I've been quite busy with Lese.
Mah favorite follower atm. Lese! I don't even have to lift a finger when raiding bandit forts I just loot stuff cuz bandits weak and she kills them faster than I can do with a 2h sword. XD Although same can be said for Kirsikka too :P
Just walking just walking thought to peek at bottom didn't even occur til i felt like staring at clouds oh...
A shimapan detected. That's nice surprise I say.

Don't mind me Kasumi, I'm looking at something. So quit kicking me already I'm looking.
That's nice wet top you got there.
Why so derpy Cassandra o.o
Unexpected surprise after hit by diease.
Overpowered healing spells.