EmiyaKiritsugu wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...
Longevity wrote...
FinalBoss wrote...
I'm black and sometimes I'll tip. It depends on how steep the bill is. I always tip at the Sushi restaurant I frequent.
How steep the bill is shouldn't determine if you tip. If you can't afford to tip don't go out to eat.
That's stupid, why would I skip out on a good meal that I didn't have to cook just because I don't want to tip? Its not really a matter of whether I can afford it or not, its just me being cheap. If I think the bill is high, I'm not gonna willingly add on to that expense out of good will.
But isn't that like buying a Porsche and not being to afford insurance?
That's a terrible analogy freak. You need insurance in case shit happens, what does tipping have to offer aside from making you feel like a big shot?
Protection. From mad ass glares. Protection. For your stomach.
If you frequent at least one restaurant/food chain and you don't tip/tip poorly, chances are, you just might've ate something that ain't supposed to be there.
I don't frequent restaurants enough for that to happen to me, and its not like I never tip. My bills are rarely steep, so I tip at least $5.
Longevity wrote...
was calling you lazy for not cooking not being cheap.
Tipping is at least in the US done because one most restaurants don't actually pay minimum wage to the servers because they get tips (yes this is legal), also the bill is actually used to help cover the expenses of the cooks and ingredients and overhead for the restaurant (gas, electricity, rent) most of the time it doesn't cover the servers jobs (because they are tipped)
I cook on average 5 days a week.
So tipping gets done because servers don't get paid enough. Servers don't get paid enough because they get tipped. So tipping is a curse rather than a gift. No wonder the Japanese frowns upon it. Circular reasoning....my mind is blown.