Just thought I'm gonna share about this interesting event:
Reitaisai 8 Contest
Gonna have to post from copy-pasta from danbooru pool for info:
A collaboration between Pixiv and Reitaisai. Artists draw a high resolution image, following specific rules in the terms. Its dimensions also depend on the entry.
Each entry is submitted for a team. There are 8 teams: The main character team + 7 teams from the Touhou Project works, starting from EoSD to UFO.
The 8 teams compete against each other in a single-elimination tournament. Users submit entries for teams, and the team with more views at the end of a round will advance.
The contest is divided into 3 rounds, as follows:
First round: December 22nd - January 6th ---- Results published on January 11th
Semi-final: January 11th - January 21st ---- Results published on January 24th
Final: January 24th - February 7th ---- All rounds end at 12:00
Users may submit as many entries as they wish to. However, when two teams are competing against each other on a round, it is not possible for users to submit entries for both teams.
The tournament can be followed
here . The number indicates the total number of views. The MVP (Most Valuable Player) is also displayed below the number of views. A user cannot be MVP more than once.
Ongoing tournaments now are MoF team x UFO team with upper hand in MoF team and SDM team x SA team with favor in SA team.