[ORIGINAL] Usagi no Yuki, The snow Rabbit of the Youkai Mountain
I know I could done better, her head is a little bigger than I excepted.
Name : Usagi no Yuki (Yuki-chan)
Species : (former)Earth Rabbit, (present)Immortal Snow Rabbit
Abilities : Controlling the snow and make it into different shapes, just like Cirno.
Age : Immortal, she been teaching a lot of snow Rabbit in many years.
Personalities : Intelligent, outstanding, and tricky
Occupation : Teacher of the snow Rabbit in the mountain.
Location : Youkai Mountain, also visiting people in the winter season.
[size=15]Personal Story[/h]
"Intelligent is my desire"
Yuki was once a earth rabbit living together with rabbits in the Eientei, she's a Earth rabbit, not a youkai rabbit. One day she was excited to go out in an adventure, and for been an Earth Rabbit her IQ is higher than mostly the other rabbits in the Eientei. One night she was escaping the Eientei and ran to the Youkari mountain. It was a season where the snow was falling, she regretted that she escaped the Eientei and wanted to head back. But before she was able to get herself back she meets a shadow-shaped figure front of her.
She appears to recognize
Cirno, her hair has the same style as her. He personality is a tricky just like
Tewi, which means she likes to make pranks. She's smart but sometimes can be childish just like Tewi and Cirno. She evolves and become more interested in snow in the youkai mountain. But the bad thing is, when she want to visit the Eientei she can't handle the heat like she usually do like before.
She likes to play in the snow, and her personality is opposite with Cirno. She's smart, but still childish. Every time it's winter season in Gensokyo, she's just like
Letty. So in the other words, both of them has a good relationship. Since Yuki is a smart snow Rabbit she can make tools for her to survive the heat when it's summer season. Her IQ is so much higher than
Nitori, but they don't have any relations. She has more opportunity than Letty to visit Gensokyo in the summer season than her. She uses a scarf that can keep the cold inside, which make it easy for her to walk around the village.
Her ability is something like
Eyes of the frozen queen her powers are weak as soon is grown inside of her. Letty teaches her about that powers and it can control snows to become in different shapes and make it to a snowball. She can't turn snow to ice or melt it to water. But she can do the opposite.
Fun facts
- Yuki loves to wear panties always, without shirt or pants. She said it's makes it breeze when she walks in the snow.
- She eats a lot and she loves her breast to get bigger so she can make her sex appeal more noticeable to the other male rabbits. The other thing is she want them to notice it, but the males are only ignoring them. Reisen and Yuki is quiet opposite when it comes to sex appealing.
- Her favorite activities is throwing snowball at other Youkais.