Winter arrives in Gensokyo. With it, comes a strange festive atmosphere. Our laid-back heroines, bored with their usual activities,
are more than willing to gather and celebrate. A few suspect the strange mood- but decide it couldn't be anything bad.
They gather and amuse themselves; it feels both normal and different. Like a picture book turning, a sequence of images..
Is it real, or is it imaginary?
Now that we have a fair number of participants and have all the details figured out, I hereby announce this season's event: [size=14]
Phantasmagoria of Festivities Asia![/h]
As previously stated, this event will be collaborative in nature, rather than competitive. Our end goal are two images:
- A drawing depicting Gensokyo inhabitants celebrating Christmas, and
- A drawing depicting the first day shrine visit in Gensokyo (HatsumÅde).
Each drawing will be composed of the participants' submissions in a themed background. The participants are to draw two characters of their choosing: one for the Christmas image and another for the shrine visit.
- The submission should be drawn in an A4 size paper. The drawing should at least take up half, if not all, of the A4.
- Both backgrounds will be handled by Old - Jenkins. Participants are advised to work on their submission only after the background has been posted- this is to give a better idea of how to draw the characters.
- Coloring and final adjustments will be handled by Harune.
- Be creative! You can work with other participants and make your characters interact with each other. Sakuya serving food to Remi, Reisen chasing Tewi, Aya documenting the celebration from the sidelines; Anything goes!
- There are no quality requirements or anything like that- we will not be comparing the submissions with each other. As long as you're happy with your submission, it should be fine.
- The submissions should be scanned and posted here in the club.
- All submissions should be posted by January 3.
And with that, the event has started! Jenkins will post the first background, the one for the Christmas drawing,
later tonight tomorrow.