Well, with that roadblock out of the way, time to move on. At least I got some spare coin in the process.
Yama-kun wrote...
Yukkuri are cute creatures, I want a Reisen one.
I prefer alice types. They be weird.
Alice-types (Arisukkuri) rely on other yukkuris to reproduce. They gain the trust of a pre-existing yukkuri village and secretly kill off the children. Then, the remaining yukkuris of the village are gang-raped until they die from giving birth to more Alice-types. They seem to be able to control the type of offspring that their victims bear (i.e., only koyukkuris of the same species as the mother are born). This allows them to rape for pleasure and provides food in the form of freshly birthed koyukkuris. Alice-types may also just go around in rape-posses, preying on any and all yukkuris they encounter. Sometimes, it would appear that there are consensual Alice-types. These ones behave much like Reimu-types and Marisa-types, and prefer to live close to Marisa-types. In reality, however, these are simply dormant Alice-types that have yet to awaken to their true nature. All Alice-types, without exception, will be overpowered by their instinct to reproduce and will rape other yukkuris sooner or later. Alice-types are filled with custard. They tend to pride themselves on being "from a city sect", and they speak in a more ladylike manner than the rest of the yukkuris.