Yes, Yama. We held a PC-98 drawing event
Neoro~n wrote...
Jen: Ugh, that doesn't sound fun at all... Good luck with that D= So anything new?
Thankies <3
I will be drawing Shinki and I already work on its ROUGH (yes, it's very rough) sketch. How goes things on your part as well ?
Zafhner wrote...
Well, not entirely. I've played a couple of ZUN's games and emulated a couple of them PC98 games.
But I usually want to rip my hair out when playing touhou danmaku games, so I never go far. It's the manga and doujins that made me a fan :3
Edit: Good luck in your exam, Jen!
Thanks, good luck for your presentation too.
I think I can understand your feeling too. I feel like to this whenever I do unintentional *