Thank you so much for accepting me into this club. I'm looking forward to lots of fun :3
I'm starting off saying that I just played some rounds of Phantasmagoria of Flower View... and dear god, Medicine is the lamest character of the game. Her special attack does nothing, and her charged shot does nothing and is useless for taking down spellcards and Lily Whites. Maybe the only good thing about her is the shape of her spirit activation area, the two horizontal arms of the star are good for activating spirits next to you, but the same can be said of Reisen's area.
I seriously feel like nobody is better than Marisa at Phantasmagoria. Her charged shot is a laser that is very easy to control and pierces everything (i.e. it reaches bosses and Lily Whites), her spirit activation area is an infinite vertical and she's overall very easy to control, maybe my only complaint is that her special attack is easy to dodge. Youmu is not so great but her charged attack has a nice edge to it in that you just need to charge it one notch to take out bullets.
Old - Jenkins wrote...
Haha, it's already well-known that A.I in PoFV is unstable. One popular example is how they suddenly became stupid after you died once.
Funny, I've always viewed it as the game giving you mercy after spending a life.