Koishi is still considered young in youkais standard. It cannot be helped that many people believe Koishi to be weak-minded, inconsiderate, and selfish. The result of her sealing her own third-eye also help such impressions to stick in Koishi's image as well.
For me personally, I think of Koishi as a very strong girl. It's not because I want to be different, it's just because I know her feeling too well and I can understand why she chose such route for her life.
[size=15]Touhou - Komeiji Koishi - Character Review[/h]
The Sealed Eye of Love, Koishi is a satori youkai who wanders the world aimlessly. Many aspects of Koishi are references to psychology, Freudian's to be exact. It's safe to assume that her ability to manipulate one's subconscious is the sole reason why she is very close to the concept of psychology itself. Koishi is considered unique among satori youkai due to her out-of-ordinary power, of which she obtained in a non-ordinary way too.
As stated above, Koishi is seemingly weak-minded, inconsiderate, and selfish. On the contrary of her older sister, Satori, who's often regarded as the strong-willed one. Koishi sealed her own third eye because she couldn't bear the feeling of being hated by many, disregarding all the consequences of her decision, and leaving both her sister and "family". This is the main reason of why people think of her as such pert childish youkai.

That's what people think.
As a satori, she must know the consequences of sealing her own identity, which is the Third Eye. Still, she chose to seal it instead of living being hated for the rest of her life. From the sound of it, one might assume that she is a coward for not accepting her life as a satori. But you may ask yourself, how many (mature) people posses the guts to decide on anything life-changing just like her nowadays ?
Koishi might spend most of her time wandering aimlessly, having no specific purpose and carefree. Isn't it just because she is aware of the consequences and she actually tries to live her life which was colored by a denial ? It's the result of her choice, and this is simply how she
repents, in her own way.

Able to manipulate one's conscious and carefree doesn't necessarily mean she is emotionless. She is still able to feel love, anxiety, interest, and other kind of emotions. It's unfortunate for her to regret her choice to seal her third eye after meeting a certain person. If only she met said person sooner, she wouldn't have to bear such one heavy burden. Still, she leads her life, in her own way, and by her own choice, without questioning anything.

It appears that Koishi is one of a very few beings whose mind cannot be read by Satori. It's actually ironic since they are siblings and they are supposed to understand each other. Despite of that, it's stated that Satori still cares for her younger sister as much as before, if not more. There are some things that only blood-related siblings can understand, Satori and Koishi are implied to possess such bond and I prefer to believe in it.
There are things better off not being said, there are things that don't need to be said, and there are also things that cannot be said.

While she is not the strongest nor the brightest entity around, she does prove herself strong in a sense that she doesn't try to run away from the fate she chose by her own. She overcame the curse of being a satori in her own way. This is surely a feat that not everybody could pull.
Koishi has been one of my favorites ever since I analyzed her. It pains me to see her portraits (which is all smiling), and the fact that her existence is considered a roadside stone adds more salt to the wound. Just like what she hoped, she is not hated anymore, but nobody likes her either. It's just like asking :
Which one is better ? An existence that is not wanted, or an existence that is ignored ?"
Koishi is a tragic character, yet still able to lead her life properly despite of all the sad things. That's just why I like her.

Koishi Komeiji in en.touhouwiki.net
Symposium of Post Mysticism - Koishi
Satori Komeiji in en.touhouwiki.net
Part 4 of Symposium