brok3n butterfly wrote...
Zandorf wrote...
It seems like that safe zone is present in all difficulties.
It is but eventually an amulet will go through there unless you get lucky.
I've never had an amulet go through there for me...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
@4:16. Someday I will get in there.
Whoever did this, is amazing.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Zandorf - Tewi Inaba
"Endless Evening Cherry Blossoms" - Stage 1
"Long-Range Echo" - Stage 2
"Corpse Tongji" - Stage 4
"Dao Fetal Movement" - Stage 4
"Laser of Seventeen Articles" - Stage 6
Two stage 4 spell cards... Challenge accepted... in full-screen modo... lol. Since, that's the only way I can play touhou at the moment... got a giant television to use as a monitor, and I sit about 4 feet from it... hard to see tiny danmaku otherwise. lol.
Edit: I don't see Dao Fetal Movement at all... I see "Zouhou Rumo", "Corpse Tongji", and "Tao Taidou".