[color=blue]WELCOME ONE AND ALL~~!![/color]
[color=red][size=27]MY DOMAIN[/color]
[color=red]OK... Here is what ima do. If you like traps, come chill here. Thats what I have decided this place will be. A place to spam trap pics and spark random converstaion about shit. It can be trap related, it can be non trap related. Just if you post pics, THEY HAVE TO BE TRAPS![/color]
I didnt feel like searching through all those pages to check if this has been attempted before and to be honest I am nervous as hell because I usually dont make threads... Anyways... here goes...
Welcome to the "Trap" House~~
Hehe... get it? "Trap"? If you dont get it then look at my avi.
Anyways. I have been here for not very long... but I look around and I saw a Yandere club, a Yaoi club... and I thought to myself...
"Why do I see no trap club??"
Then it dawned on me last month that maybe... I should make that club myself!... But I was too scared to go through with it and even as I type this out I am actually kinda scared and tempted to just exit out of this window... ;_;
On topic, This is a place for trap lovers to come and share videos, pics, have conversation about... you guessed it, traps~!
Yup thats right, The trap house, where its all Traps, ALL THE TIME~! <3
There are just a few Rules I would like to be followed here.
1. No fighting please... I will not put up with that shit here, This is a happy place.
2. If you want to share... "Naughty" Trap pics please spoiler then. Not everyone may want to see then and its also nice to do so because... well you never know who may walk into your room and peak over your shoulder sooo if the naughty pics are spoilered... you see where I am going with this.
This is incomplete so I will finish it later~~
Trap Manga
... omg I actually did it O////O