BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Guess I'll show off the gift from Enos.
Enos is so nice ;~;

Turns out it was a waifu-related merch...
Indeed it was, and with very nice timing as well seeing how my Miyuki figure will be here in 2-3 days as well.
Grats man.. *hugs* Wish i could give you something as well to repay the wife badges you've made for me.
To be get a bit real, getting something from someone for far away from me gets me a bit emotional on the inside. I think it's sweet that Enos someone I've never gotten to meet face to face can think of a good friend off seeing a Mahouka notebook, then go out of his way to mail it to me.
.....I think it's sad....that most of the "real life friends" I've had have never done something like this for me.