Tsamari wrote...
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
Prepping for work?
No, day off.
Glad to hear it. How are you gonna spend your day off, though?
Bit of FF14, going to see if my roommate wants to go to the store when he's up, I need a pick up a new headset.
Not in the mood for LoL or Warframe?
I see. I heard FF14 is some good shit.
I've been doing a bit of video editing under the handle "Vincent Harold", and made a Youtube Poop. I'm planning to make more, but my new laptop used for VE work got busted. Thankfully it can be repaired with some of the files intact.