Tsamari wrote...
BlinkXPoke wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
BlinkXPoke wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
BlinkXPoke wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
BlinkXPoke wrote...
Ah, I see. Alright.
*kiss more*
[color=#ff69b4]Missed you~<3
Same here~<3
[color=#ff69b4]I think you missed me a lot~<3
*hugs and kisses*
So much~<3 ;__;
*kiss deeply*
[color=#ff69b4]I'm sorry Blinky ;-;
It's fine... You have your life to live. My fault for missing you so much... >///< *hug and kiss again*
[color=#ff69b4]But you're in my life,too~<3
[size=6]I love you, Tsamari...[/h] >////< <3