AzelleFans wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Eehh, why so?
[color=#ff69b4]Bad Immune system. Had to take a lot of medication as a kid to fix it.
Awww, sorry to hear that. But you're good now, right?
[color=#ff69b4]Yeah that been fine for a good time, at least six years.
I still have things wrong with me to a point, but on me because I hurt myself a lot, lol. But I take care of myself so I can be around for the ones that care about me.
Hmmhmm, I see. I also have bad immune system due to car accident years ago, so I know how bothersome it is.
[color=#ff69b4]I just hate getting sick at random, it puts me out for most of the day.