Ranka wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Ranka wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Ranka wrote...
*jumps from a high place then poofs through a cloud then lands on someone laying down on a cloud~*
[color=#993300]*puts on paramedic gear and administer's first aid*
Don't die fluffy-nutter san~! (T^T)
areh? Why did I imagine sneaky-san putting on a gas mask...? xD
[color=#993300]Um....do you even know what I look like?.....*brings out nutella and marshmallow spread*
mm no, but I don't want to feel lonely so I just imagine the avatars doing things..>_<
HMP! I don't even know what looky looks like but I know his bf's face! >:I *mad mad* I'll just have to be patient I guess...(-.-) brb! Gonna get the headache medicine~
[color=#993300]Wait what? (I posted my picture anyways, me and my uglyself). But I've never seen Tessa's face, nor Looky's . Must see