EineKrone wrote...
Some months(I think even a year maybe?) ago they had SAO removed, I found it on another site to download as a PDF earlier this year, downloaded for my sister. If I can find it around here...
And I still didn't read the last one of the alice arc :,(
[size=9]IF that's the ending... can this arc get longer? :c[/h]
*sits on cloud with laptop, back to [size=10]
spamming buttons[/h] playing taiko*
[color=#ff69b4]Now that I think about it I do remember them saying that all of SAO would be stop/taken down when it starts to come out over here. And well, now that you can buy the vol.1 in paperback now I guess they did that.
Lucky I still have all of them download in PDF so If I do want to reread this arc I can.