Hanasaku wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Hanasaku wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Hanasaku wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
...... I demand my dear sister...... ;-;
Yes, ma'am?
...... NYUUUUUU~ I missed you, dearie... >.< *hugs and nibbles ear*
i missed you too~
...... Nyuu, how are you? I hope you're in better shape than me... Oh, and please pinch Room-san's nose when you see him later.
I'm doing well... I should be asking you how you were doing.
Pinch his nose? Why?
...... Oh, I get cold and something else. Health was dropping nowadays, but I'm still managing. Internet is in bad shape too, making me unable to access Fakku for awhile.
...... I just want to greet Roomy-san, but doubt I can do it. So I asked you to pinch his nose. :3