Hanasaku wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Hanasaku wrote...
Thanks azelle, but no thanks. Don't get sick because of me.
Don't be silly, it's my duty to make sure you're feeling well! Besides, I'm currently unemployed and just lazing around at home, so it's fine for me to get sick! (not to mention that I already sick in many sense, either)
mibuchiha wrote...
Badguy wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
Sodoku is like sudoku, but on a different distro.
Mibubu pls
Damn, that was a failed Linux joke.
u r teh only one that uses linux
.... Okay. Then you must take good care of yourself so you won't get sick. Promise me that, sister... *hugs*
Linux, da bowling pin. Oh wait, that's Mac...