Hanasaku wrote...
Aramos wrote...
Hanasaku wrote...
Aramos wrote...
asaforever wrote...
Aramos wrote...
@ Asa
you should motorboat hanananana......
s-shes taken.b-baka.
....one time won't kill you...
@ Enos
Oh okay, and Busty or DFC they all can be motorboated!
Suprise~ I have no boobies to motorboat!
And even if I had you most probably won't see the light of tomorrow~
But....Asa was the one....D:
Doesn't matter who does it~ someone will follow you with killing intent ~
Anyhow, I get comfy with your bewbs, dearie sister. That's why~
@Aramis: *rolling Aramis to the cage*
@Enos: Enjoy the breakfast, Enos-san~
Time for me to rest again. Later~