Nyannyanse wrote...
cool! that is awesome, well the story 4 and 4a are different right?
THe name is familiar the FreQuency name
i will listen to in in a sec
"Days" and "Vanishing" are good too.
You can actually get the album off iTunes, which is sorta unusual for Japanese music.
The story is different, but they are connected; the plot of 4A is effectively kicked off by the events in 4, or specifically the Player Character essentially clearing the way for Omer Science Technology to ruin everyone's day. In fact, some stuff doesn't become that apparent in English 4 until you play 4A.
There are also a lot of character cameos in 4A; the White Glint is actually your former PC, and some top Collared LYNX's are pilots from the previous game. One of the ORCA's soldiers is also Anjou's apprentice (Anjou being that psycho French chick that tries to kill you in one of the last chapters in 4 using Moonlight swords)