So this is a sort of not too detailed post about where I've been past few days. Left BD on early morning of the 9th for US vacation.
Find out that the sudden fog delayed the flight by 7ish hours. Family and I had already gone through check-in and immigration so we were stuck in the airport lounge for that whole time. This also meant we missed the connecting flight to Boston by a huge mile. Had to apply for impromptu visas in Turkey to stay the night. Thanks, Mother Nature.
Airtime, 1st flight
9ish hour flight. Headphone jack was broken, and some of the attendants tried to fix it. Maybe a little too hard. No dice. Doesn't matter, slept enough.
Evening, Istanbul
Arrive at the hotel, be the absolute last people checked into our rooms, and the "dinner" was fucking rice and beans. Just. Rice and beans. With some salad sides. WHERE WAS THE FUCKING MEAT, HOLY SHIT THE EMPTY STOMACH!
Next morning, airport
Arrive on time, things going fine, until we arrived at the gate. The new tickets we had booked back in BD? Turns out it made the flight overbooked. Assholes from Turkish Airlines actually suggested that only two of us go this flight and the other two wait EVEN LONGER for another flight. My dad was adamant about all of us being on this flight in business class since that's what we paid for. Ended up on agreeing for compensation and my seat being downgraded to 4 economy class seats instead. Joy.
Airtime, 2nd flight
Did I say 4 seats? I meant 3 because the cabin crew ALSO has no coordination with their own terminal crew about this shit. Somehow I slept, despite ending up sore. Saw Guy Ritchie's The Man From U.N.C.L.E. again, didn't wanna try anything new like Pawn Sacrifice or some shit that could make me sad in front of other passengers.
Why do you guys have such... same-y looking airports, at least when it comes to arrivals? I swore for a moment I was at LAX when I saw the immigration and baggage lines. Regardless, made it to the place we're staying so... everything worked out just enough I guess?
Moral of the story
Don't fly Turkish Airlines, and unless you like eating really light, don't bother with Turkish cuisine.
So... Bowie and Lemmy gone in the span of a few weeks, huh? What a world.