theotherjacob wrote...
As someone who has been a developer. I like that people can get paid for their work especially when it's a good mod. Recreate all of morrowind in skyrim with quests and npcs. That's a 10 dollar worth mod right there.
The problem is there's no regulation on it so people can charge 50 bucks for armour skin change.
I honestly thinking the backlash is rather stupid. People pay for skins, characters, maps, weapons, currency, etc, in all kinds of other games and that money goes to the developers. What's the difference.
Fact of the matter is, dlc is here to stay and this might actually help the community because it means developers who no longer support a game and want to make something new can and the community takes over for the developers.
>50usd mods
That's not a problem, people will just not buy 50usd mods. There's refunds available within a 24hour period after making the purchase. The fact that there's an open market where someone can make a similar mod at a lower price is what makes the system interesting and worth while.
I think there several reasons why people are mad that go beyond the whole "hurr dlc is bad" strawman.
1. It was a sudden thing. No announcements of a plans to do this, no discussion between valve and the little guys.
2. Didn't initially give the option to pay what you want, or simply to only donate to the modder.
3. Valve would take in a good 75% of all earnings, and you weren't entitled to your 25% unless your profit end would exceed 100usd. i.e if you would have to sell 400usd worth of mod material to see any cash coming in your way.
4. Valve shut down all discussion within the community and disabled ratings for non-buyers.
5. No plans on stopping people from picking someone else's material and putting it one the workshop, other than to punish after they're caught.
Personally I think it's uncool for groups like Bethseda to put out their hands when people are spending their own time and resources on making their games playable. Mods have always been community centered and driven for a reason, Valve and Bethseda could make this work for everyone, but their actions seems to suggest they don't know their customers very well.
I think valve has looked at the angry responses and will try and change things but they really should have announced their plans for this to then gauge public feedback and concerns.