Anime Seeker wrote...
To Ryseen and Waar: So I have to post another 49 different posts to participate? Then I will also claim Hirasawa Yui from K-ON! I like her easy-going attitude.
First off. You have to have 50 post counts. Right now you have 3. Posts in CTFG (Chat Topics and Forum Games) and IB (Incoherent Babbling) doesn't add to your post counts. So to increase your post counts, I suggest that you first do a introduction thread in
Meet & Greet and then start commenting on threads that you feel like you can contribute to.
3 means your posts outside IB and CTFG. (6) are all your posts combined. You have to get 47 more posts outside IB and CTFG in order to participate in the game.
Second off. You can only claim one girl per round.